There are professionals in all crafts who are perfectly adequate at what they do yet there is nothing remarkable about them, and then there are those who have innate abilities that allow them to do things that others can only aspire to. Cathy falls directly into the latter in life coaching and spiritual counseling. Her unique gifting and skill sets in these areas are not just proficient, but exceptional, thus raising the bar of just what a life coach is and can mean to a person.
Craig Holland, CEO and Founder, Howsimple, LLC
Working with Cathy is truly a rewarding experience. Her wisdom and skill combined with love and kindness helped me breakthrough some tough situations in my life. Her gentle prodding moved me past my paralyzing fears and ultimately forward to victory. Cathy is a force of nature and an instrument of God. Join forces with her and the sky is the limit!
Heidi Robertson, MD
Prolotherapist Anesthesiologist
I've known Cathy for a number of years as a leader; as a healer and mentor; and as a friend.
As a leader and healer, Cathy brings great integrity, wisdom, self-sacrifice and vulnerability. If she asks you to go someplace, you can be sure she has already gone there herself.
As a writer and speaker, she is creative, thorough, inspiring and committed to truth. Her heart and focus is on and for others, not her own ego or agenda.
As a woman, she is prayerful, devoted, hospitable, generous and funny.
A few years ago, my daughter died. It was a shocking, heart-shattering loss. In the immediate aftermath, I spent regular time with Cathy. She was a place of great comfort; a connecting point between my grieving heart and the hearts of those around me that love me. She personified that love and held back the burden of isolation that so often accompanies grief. She listened. Her constancy was healing and restorative.
I am grateful for her care.
Nissa Ouellette, M.A. Counseling Ministry,
Certified Grief Recovery Specialist
I met with Cathy for over a year and in that time, I found healing in many areas of my life. I cannot thank Cathy enough for instilling in me the truth that God loves me deeply and unconditionally. Ministry is no longer the burden it once was. I do the very best I can and I let God take care of the rest. And the blessings? They are insurmountable. I would recommend Cathy to anyone who is looking to dive deeper into what God has for them. All I can say is, prepare for an amazing journey!
Ali Eastburn
Executive Director
“With This Ring”
I am pleased to recommend Cathy Heiliger to you as a life coach. Cathy listens well and asks good questions. She brings genuine authenticity and caring to her coaching relationships. Whether you are envisioning a new possibility or wanting to turn good ideas into practical realities, she is capable of providing consistent and skillful encouragement and facilitation. She loves being creative and encouraging creativeness in others. You will never find Cathy boring and she is delightfully honest!
Leonard Cerny, PhD.
Psychologist and Author;
Co-Creator CSA Assessment
Because my life is so busy with raising a family and trying to be a committed wife, mother and friend, I had plugged the hole that contained the child within me. I wasn’t fun anymore. Cathy has encouraged me to allow that child within to breathe fresh life and be fun again, as well as showing me that it is okay to be vulnerable and let people in. She dared me to do something out of the ordinary and not be so stringent with life. And so I did!
Cathy is warm, gracious; tender hearted, a wonderfully gifted listener, approachable, non-judgmental, and full of Godly wisdom.
Penelope Harrison
Wife and Mother

Cathy helped me to become the person I always wanted to be and live above and beyond anything I could have thought possible. She has a truly remarkable gift.
She was able to hear things that I didn’t even know I was saying. There were wounds that needed to be healed and through her emotional healing models I was able to identify them and forgive and move forward. I didn’t realize the power the wound had in my life and even more the power of forgiveness to heal. And live.
I can’t say it was always easy, change never is, but Cathy was with me all the way! I will be forever grateful to her for her honesty, integrity and patience. I could not recommend her more highly!
Shannon Seif
Cathy has a solid foundation of life and biblical knowledge to reveal what we often don’t see. Cathy helped both of us see what we couldn’t or were unwilling to see. She also has a spiritual gifting to allow God to reveal what is not obvious. She established the accountability needed to bring healing and permanent change so we could have the life God wants us to live as individuals and as husband and wife. Her commitment is unwavering to her clients as long as they are committed.
As a life coach, Cathy is there when you need her at various points in your life, and she is there continuing to coach you. We highly recommend Cathy to anyone who is seeking more for their life and in their relationships. We believe she is anointed by Jesus to help set the captives free.
Ed Hamlin
Ginny Hamlin
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Cathy has helped me so much to uncover the errors in my thinking and really see what the truth of my worth is in Christ. I feel like my life coach has climbed into the trenches with me and stood with me as I have passed through some of the storms of life. I am forever indebted to Cathy for helping me understand how God sees me and loves me. His truth sets me free!
Marilyn Truitt, ME, MPH, RNBS
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Cathy has lead me to healing of some very deep resentments and family pain. She has opened my eyes to some very harmful character flaws that have plagued me all my life and affected every relationship I have ever been in. I am learning that with the love of God, I can overcome and heal the pain. I am learning to break the unhealthy family traits that have been passed down from generation to generation. I'm setting an example for my children.
Diana Barlet
Norris Group